The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.2: Letter from Ralph Adderley to Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Ireland, 1567 April 10: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Ralph Adderley to Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Ireland, 1567 April 10: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.2, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

After most hearty commendations Right worshipful even So I Shall be glad
to hear of your health and well-doing as your Brother Sir Ralph was
upon Wednesday last at Stafford Castle and where as my Brother-in-law
the Bringer hereof John Bagot hath a unconstant head
and is more youthful and willful than Sober-witted hath vowed
a voyage into Ireland to go Sow his wild oats God Send them
good Reaping / indeed he hath wit enough But a fool hath
the keeping thereof / albeit I do assure you he is unsuspected of
any untruth or other notable crime (except a white lie) which is
taken for a Small fault in these parts / his Brother is a Sober
grave Gentleman of as good qualities and Bringing up and as
orderly doth live and the country as well noble men as others haue
as good liking and opinion of him as of any esquire not exceeding
300 marks lands within 3 Shires where he dwelleth and that
your Brother Sir Ralph will affirm (not faintly) But with Stern
and earnest words and countenance and for So much as he hath
no more Brothers but this and lacketh the parts of acquaintance
and familiarity with you I make my Self So Bold (of your
courtesy as to crave your friendship in this Said Bearer's behalf
and that it might please you at this my instance not only to
Bestow your good advice and counsel upon him But also to
help to place him in Such sort as to your wisdom shall Seem
good So that he may be Stayed from licentious boldness and the
Reign of liberty for fear he fall into outrageous folly or willfulness to
the discomfort of his friends if he did Sustain Some penury or
Scarceness until the Rage of youth had Run his Race I think
it would be a good chastisement unto him whose nevertheless his government I do Refer
unto your wisdom and consideration and in case he Stay in time
and grow to Some conformity and good order I will persuade with
his Brother to be an aid unto him and if otherwise he hath
too much already as God best knoweth who Send you health
with the increase of much worship this 10 of April. 1567

yours assuredly (wherein he
Ralph Adderley

leaf 1 verso

leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

To the Right worshipful
Sir Nicholas Bagnall
knight & Marshal
of Ireland