The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.2: Letter from Ralph Adderley to Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Ireland, 1567 April 10: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Ralph Adderley to Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Ireland, 1567 April 10: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.2, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

After most harty comendacons Righte worshipfull evon So I Shalbe glad
to here of your yealthe and well doyng as your Brother Sr Rauff was
vppon Wensdaie last att Stafford castill and where as my Brother
in lawe the Brynger hereof Iohn Bagott haithe a vnconstant hedd
and is more youthfull and wilfull then Sober wittyd haithe vowed
a voyage into Ireland to go Sowe his wild oot{es} god Send them
good Reypinge / in dede he haithe witt ynoughe Butt a foole haithe
the kepynge therof / albeit I do assure you he is vnsusspected of
any vntruithe or oder notable cryme (excepte a white lye) wiche is
taken for a Small fawte in thes tes / his Brother is a Sober
grave Ientilman of as good qualites and Bryngynge vppe and as
orderly doithe liff and the cuntrey aswell noble men as other{es} haue
as good likynge and opynyon of hym as of any essquyer nott excedynge
CCC mark{es} land{es} wthin iii Shyr{es} where he dwellithe and that
your Brother Sr Rauff will affirme (nott fayntly) Butt withe Stearne
and yearnest word{es} and cowntenaunce and for So moche as he haithe
no moo Brother{es} butt this and lackithe the t{es} of acquyntaunce
and famyliarite withe you I make my Selff So Bold (of your
curtesy as to crave your frendshipe in this Said Beyrer{es} behalff
and that it myghte pleyse you att this my instaunce nott only to
Bestowe your good advise and councell vppon hym Butt also to
helpe to place hym in Suche sorte as to your wisdome shall Seme
good So that he maye be Stayed from licencyus boldnes and the
Reign of libtie for feare he fall into owtragyus folly or wilfullnes to
the discomfort of his frend{es} if he did Susteigne Sume penurie or
Scaresnes vntill the Rage of youthe hadd Rune his Race I thyncke
hitt wold be a good chastesmt vnto hym whose ^neu{er}thelesse his gou{er}nemt I do Referre
vnto your wisdome and consideracon and in case he Staye in tyme
and growe to Sume conformytie and good order I will swade withe
his Brother to be an ayde vnto hym and if otherwise he haithe
to moche alredy as god best knowithe whoo Send you yealthe
withe theincrease of moche worshipe this x of Aprill. 1567

your{es} assuredly (wherin he
R Adderley

leaf 1 verso

leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

To the Righte worshypfull
s Nicolas Bagnall
knighte & mshall
of Ireland