The Folger Shakespeare Library

X.c.61 (137): Letter from John Ogilvy, Balfour, to James Rattray, Craighall, 1677 April: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Rattray family of Craighall [manuscript], 1593-1699.
Preferred Citation:Letter from John Ogilvy, Balfour, to James Rattray, Craighall, 1677 April: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Rattray family of Craighall [manuscript], 1593-1699.. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS X.c.61 (137), Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Dear brother
I am sorie yt I could not uait on you this morning as I
intended in regaird I have taken ane ulcer on ye innerside
of my thy; & it is impossible for me to ryd till it brake
houever I shall uish the Lord to direct ye aright in this time
of your aflictione; & goduilling if I should come on foot
I shall see you on thoursday; if you think it fitt; I think
you may remove the bed out of the bak chamber & appoy
[◇]t it only ut tuo teables joyned in lenth, for the noblemen &
the best of the gentrie, for in the hall you cannot sett
any covered table; I have sent you somethings ut the
bearer, & the laird of Ruthens; can give you for pleats
& trinshers; & lett me knou if ye uill have any spouns
I shall send ane dizen & tuo silver coups, if you please
pray ye be of good comfort, & chirrish your selfe
& yr good lady mother as much as ye can yr sister is
treuly verrie ill evry night since shee come home
& I am
Your faithfull servant
and brother Io: Ogilvy

leaf 1 verso || leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

ffor the Laird
of Craighall

On the death of
& ^funeral dinner