The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.d.705: Examination of Mary Marcham by Nathaniel Bacon, 1598 December 6: manuscript signed with Marcham's mark

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bacon-Townshend family of Stiffkey, Norfolk
Preferred Citation:Examination of Mary Marcham by Nathaniel Bacon, 1598 December 6: manuscript signed with Marcham's mark, Papers of the Bacon-Townshend family of Stiffkey, Norfolk. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.d.705, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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The examination of Mary Barker Marcham taken before
Nathaniell Bacon Esquire the vith of December 1598
She sayth that sone after Michaellmas laste she was
brought on horsback out of Cambridgesheire, from Iohn
Marcham her fathers house to Wallsingham ther to serue
her Cosin Frauncis Reades Wife.

She sayth that her beinge with childe was not knowne
eyther to her father or mother or any other in his house
at her comminge from thence, neyther did she her selfe
then certainely knowe it.

She sayth that she hath bene gotten with childe wherwith
she is now bigge, by one Mr Iohn Edwardes dwelling
in the parsonage at Burwell, whome she served a
yeare & a halfe, and came from him at Michaellmas

She sayth that at her comminge from Mr Edwardes house
she did so little suspect her being with childe, as she did
neyther tell the said Edwardes her Master or any other
in his house therof, before her comminge from thence.

She sayth that some what after Easter laste she was
firste inticed, and then yelded to her Master so as he
had the vse of her bodye, and so many times after, and
continued the same vntill within two dayes before her
comminge awaye

She sayth that not longe before her comminge from her master
he did aske her whether she were with childe, and she
toulde him she coulde not tell, and he did allso aske
her whether she were sure to any man, and she aunswered

She sayth that she hath bene perswaded hence at Wallsingham
by one Mosley a servant of Mr Edwardes to Chardge one
Roger Gardener dwelling at Wisbich with begettinge
her with childe, which she refused to doe.

She sayth allso that one Widget the saide Edwardes man, was
sent by his master to her who toulde her that his master
woulde come over him selfe and take order for her.

She sayth that her ^said Master ^Mr Edwards neuer gaue her any thinge more
then her wages.

She sayth and allso offereth to depose the same, that no man
had ever the vse of her bodye at any time, except the
said Mr Edwardes her master

She sayth that ^in this sommer paste she was asked by Mr Banyarde the
minister of Burwell whome she had served before how she
did like Mr Edwardes service, and she aunswered, Well, saving that she
could not be in quiet for her master

The marke of Mary Marcham. M

Nathaniel Bacon

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The Examination of Mary Marcham