The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.b.539: Letter from John Donne to Sir Robert More, Loseley, 1614 August 10: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey
Preferred Citation:Letter from John Donne to Sir Robert More, Loseley, 1614 August 10: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.b.539, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Since I had no other thinge in contemplation
when I purposed thys iourney, then my health,
me thinks yt ys a kinde of phisick, to be so
longe about that; and I grow weary of phi-
sick quickly. I haue therfore put of that pur-
pose; at least tyll the k: come into these parts.
If yor horse, (wch I returne by thys carryar
of Gilford) have not found as good Salads in
or Covent garden, as he should at Lothesley,
yet I beleeue he hath had more ease, then he
should haue had there. We are condemnd to thys
Desart of London for all thys sommer: for yt
ys Company, not houses wch distinguishes between
Cityes, and Desarts. When I began to apprehend,
that euen to myselfe, who can releive myselfe
vpon books, solitarines was a litle burdenous, I
beleeud yt would be much more so, to my wyfe,
if shee were left alone. So much company
therfore, as I ame, shee shall not want: and wee
had not one another at so cheape a rate, as yt
we should ever be wearye of one another. Sr,
when these places affoord any thinge worthe yor
knowledge, I shall be yor Referendary. Now, my
errand ys onely to deliuer my thanks and
services, accompanyed wth yor poore sisters, to yor
selfe, and all yor good Company.

Yors euer to be commanded,
I: Donne
10 Aug: 1614.

I pray Sr give thys note enclosed to my lady, yor mother.
it ys of some parcells wch she commanded my wyfe to buy
for her. wch are sent down, at thys tyme, by ye Carryar

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leaf 2 verso

To the right wors: Sr
Robert More knight
at Lothesley.