The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.b.216: Deposition by Richard Ede, porter of Marshalsea prison, 1585?: manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey
Preferred Citation:Deposition by Richard Ede, porter of Marshalsea prison, 1585?: manuscript signed, Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.b.216, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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no date
see 5.Mar.1505
information by porter at the Marshalsea
as to property of Hum: Kempe a Cornishman

Mr Humfrey Kempe A Cornishe man hath enformed me
Richarde Ede the porter of the mshalsey that Mr Robte
Beckett may spend CCli of good land by the yeare
And for Mr More, his kinsman Wm Goulder did
reporte by occation of speech that he and I had that
his kinseman Could not spend much aboue Cli by the
yeare and I the foresaid porter annswered that he
Did offer to give xxli A yeare to one that shoulde
gett his libertie wth the ffreedome of his Conscience
They had rather give xxli a yeare to the maintenance
of Seminarie preist{es} then one penie to her Matie And
for Mr Iohn Grey, when he was in the mshalsey was
the onlye distributer of monie to the Semynaries And
nowe he is abroade he is thought to be the Collector
for them, he was alwaies thought to be the beste
monyed man of the Papist{es} and when he shalbe
demavnded what he will give to the Quene he will
then be worth iuste nothinge./. I am sure his man
did bringe him monie eu{er}ye tearme out of Norff and
yt is to be feared that the libertie and ffreindshippe
that they have is the losse of an infenite Thousande
of soules ./. I besech god even in the bowells of Christe
that yt maie be better loked vnto./.

By me Richard Edde

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