The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.b.205: Certificate of recusancy from John Shaw, minister of Woking, to the commissioners for recusants of Surrey: 1591 December 19: autography manuscript signed by Shaw and six others

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey.
Preferred Citation:Certificate of recusancy from John Shaw, minister of Woking, to the commissioners for recusants of Surrey: 1591 December 19: autography manuscript signed by Shaw and six others, Papers of the More family of Loseley Park, Surrey.. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.b.205, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto


To her Majesty's Commissioners appointed for
the execution of her Highness' commission
granted for the Inquisition of seminary priests
Jesuits, fugitives, recusants etc:/
We whose names are underwritten do find upon Inquisition
by us taken that James Hobson of Woking gentleman
hath not used for one whole year last past, neither
doth use to repair to his parish church at any
usual time to divine service according to the
Laws of the Realm. December .19. 1591.

John Shaw Minister.
William Stoughton
W. Pencer
Richard Colwalle
{mark} the mark of William Collyer
John Atwoode
Richard Russell

for Any other Seminaries, priests, Jesuits, fugitives,
recusants, or Abettors of any of them, we as yet know
none to be within our parish.

William Stoughton
Richard Colwalle
by me John Atwoode
by me Richard Russell
William {mark} Collyer's marke

leaf 1 verso

19. Dec 1591
Recusants at Woking

East Horsley




