The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.160: Letter from Walter Bagot, Blithfield, to an unnamed female cousin, circa 1620 November 19: autograph manuscript draft

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Walter Bagot, Blithfield, to an unnamed female cousin, circa 1620 November 19: autograph manuscript draft, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.160, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Good cosin I am very sory for that you continewe in the restraynt of your libertie
And allthough my occasions bee such ^that as I can not (as I desier) come see you
yet in regard of affinitie, and old loue, frendship & familiaritie, I can not
but by letters remember you least you shold thinke mee vnmyndfull of
my frendes and carelesse of their aduerse estate. These are the occasions of that
haue moued mee first to wryte secondly at your leasure to craue I maye knowe how
you are prosecuted by your enviouse aduersaries whose myndes are (no doubt)
as well fraight with malitiouse deuises to intangle you into farther trobles
as there mouthes are full of false reportes which I I hope doubt not but in the end will
fall out to there owne shame and discredicte. And allthough I make no doubt am assured I will
your innocensie is such as you neede not feare there vnhonest practises yet
I wold wishe you bee very cercumspecte beeinge in regard you are matched with such
aduersaries as haue no regard ether of their word, or othe faith, feare
of god or shame of the world and therfore are men most daungerose to bee
dealt with all. such as will speake and vnspeake sweare and vnswere any
tinge beeinge neuer so manifest so that it maye serue to the effectinge their
vile practises. Lastly to offer my selfe vnto you in all loue & frendship
and to assure you of any thinge whatsoeuer my poore credicte and endeuor
maye aforde Thinke on mee as your frend Kynsman and wellwiller And
so with my hartiest comendacons vnto my Lord and your selfe from
mee and my wiefe do committ you vnto thalmightie Blythfield
this xix of november

leaf 1 verso


