The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.135: Letter from Walter Bagot to Mr. Skipwith (Jane Skipwith's brother), 1611: autograph manuscript draft

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Walter Bagot to Mr. Skipwith (Jane Skipwith's brother), 1611: autograph manuscript draft, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.135, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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Sr I did wryte vnto my much esteemed La: your mother in lawe in September last
desiringe to bee satisfied from her whether there were ether mariadge or
contracte past betwixt my disobedient sonne and my neece your sister
or not wch at that time I greatly suspected. I receaued her ^kynd answere whitch
I doe not suspecte but shee playnly thought to bee true wch in respecte
of that reuerend opinion I hold of her virtues I will not suspecte but ^at yt
that time was the pleane truthe which was (a denyall of boath) first in her owne opinion
and secondly by my neece in her lers wth a protestacon that she wold
neauer hereafter geve eare vnto any such motion. Callinge to rememberance
her fathers lers whoe advised her euer to bee thankfull to her frend{es}.
Not withstandinge her testacions my gracelesse sonne now affirmeth
there is such mise past betwixt them as can not bee reuoked.
Hee hath withdrawen his obediense from mee and hath continewed
in a base infamose place in Godwins howse ^in london since Christmas last till
Saturdaye last, Sheweth him Chardged to bee the father of a bastard
Child begotten on a base Strumpet seruant vnto a gentlewoman of
this Contrie and taken in bed with her Cooke a maried man. for this
his wicked lyfe his obstinate disobediense and infinite others lewde
condicons I have reiected him and are purposedsinge god willinge to disinherit
him) And whilest I liue meane to withdrawe my ^all my maynteanance
from him. Yf these shewe the fruit{es} of true affeccion vnto my neece
I praye god send them as much ioye together as I receaue Comfort
by them. Thus much I thought good out of my loue to make you acquinted
with whome you acquinted and herewth I leaue to ^it shall please you to imte yt to I leaue to your good
consideracon And so rest. your louinge vnckle

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