The Folger Shakespeare Library

X.c.15: Letter from Sir Rowland Stanley, Hooton, to Thomas Fletcher, mayor of Chester, 1597 December 30: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Preferred Citation:Letter from Sir Rowland Stanley, Hooton, to Thomas Fletcher, mayor of Chester, 1597 December 30: autograph manuscript signed. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS X.c.15, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Good mr ffletcher, here is a poore tennannt of myne the berer
herof whoe not longe since had some gooddes taken from him
by a bad fellowe, whoe as hee enformeth me was Executed now
lattely in your Cittie for other offence, and as my tennannt
enformeth me he is able to prooue by good wittnes that vppon
his Execution he did confesse that this poore mans gooddes were
to be had, from one Iesper Gillam, and one Couldocke, whoe
as I heere are two of your officers of your towne. I would
therfore entreate that fauoure at your hand handes as to
steedde this poore man so much for my sake as to Examine the
matter, so that this poore mann maye haue his gooddes againe
if it be possible: And in so doinge I will surely think my
self greatly beholdinge to you. Thus with my hartiest
commendacons to your selfe I end Hooton this xxxth of
December 1597

Your verie louinge frend
Rowland Stanley

leaf 1 verso

To the Worshipfull my verie
good frend Mr Thomas
ffletcher Mayor of
the Cittie of
Chester geue this



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