The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.63: Letter from Lewis Bagot, London, to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, 1604 November 10: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Lewis Bagot, London, to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, 1604 November 10: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.63, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Sir my humble duty remembred etc, I did receaue very lately a letter, and
and two 2 priuie seales from yow, diliuered by Sir Walter Aston, the one accordinge
to your letter I did diliuer to mr Mr Broune, which was my Vnckle Kynersles,
the other I haue in my owne keepinge: Accordinge to your letter, I haue bene
With Sir Walter Aston, whome I intreated, to helpe ^me to a chamber, whoes answer
Was hee knew of none, that weare voide, but if I coulde here of any, hee
woulde doe theis beste to helpe mee to one. Then I ackesed him what hee
woulde doe with his chamber, when hee went in to the cuntrye summewhat
vnwillinge sayed I shoulde haue it if pleased mee, vnto the tyme that I were
other wayes prouided, and no before Munday sennight which is the seuen xviith
of this Moneth hee doth not goe a waye doune and till then I am att Tomsones
neuer the lesse I am in commones and haue bene this weeke. As for new
newes here is none wurthie writinge but that my Lorde Ammorall goeth imba
Imbassoder in to Spayne and Sir Richard Luceon goeth with him. Knightes
are made very faste still: My uncle Kynerslyes matter betwixt my vnckle
Trew and him, I thincke will either bee taken vppe, or else be referred
to summe gentilemen in the cuntry, for Sir Walter Chetwinde, and Mr
Wouslye, followe the matter verie closse. other newes I haue none but that
my monye goeth away to faste: and soe crauinge your dayly blessinge
and pardon for my errores, or bouldenes here in committed I moste humbly
take my leaue this xth of Nouember 1604

Your obedient sonne till death
Lewis Bagott

leaf 1 verso

leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

To the right Worshipfull Mr
Walter Bagot his louinge
father at Blithefielde
this be delivered with

Lewis Bagot
to his Father