The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.272: Letter from Richard Broughton to Richard Bagot, 1593 May 26: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Richard Broughton to Richard Bagot, 1593 May 26: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.272, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Sir the plague encreaseth and my Lord Threasurer hath given furth that the
next terme shalbe adiourned but for necessarie returnes of proces
it is thought the first day & last day shalbe kept with attendance
of ffewe Clerkes/ my partner thanketh you for her suster letice you could
not haue sent her a better token/: she is desirous to haue her man
humffrey to bringe vp horses against the begyninge of the tyme of
holdinge the next terme aboutes xvth of Iune, and then god willinge against
midsommer we shall visite you, my Lady Riche hath bene desirous to haue
my partner with her at Lees/ my Lady her mother & Suster Dorothy Will accompanye her
besides many other good Gossips/.
The privie seale money for Staffordshire is not expected to be paid before michelmas
The warant that came furth was for payment of such as two yeres before
had lent. & Staffordshire lent a moneth after at first but some by private
frendship haue made meanes to obtayne speciall warrant. but in michelmas terme their
generall payment wilbe/ I was yesterday with Mr Auditor signifieng that I had
spoken with Mr Darrell in whose charge Sir Amice Pouletes lettre mencioned lxxs should
be accompted/. Mr Darrell signified that he made his accomptes privatelie to Sir
Amyce & his officers. and that all Sir Amyce accomptes are made in his
name & his exchequers being an infinite great accompt which is to be found with Mr
Auditor Conyers. Where I must take a litle paynes, and if this be
omitted in his charges, you must haue allowance. and then Mr auditor
saieth he will charge Sir Amyce exchequers/. for Beaudesert reckoninges
vpon sight of my Lord Threasurers Lettre he will give allowance without
troublinge my Lord Threasurer./ Thus in hast vntill the next
messenger with 1593. commendacions & duties remembred from euery
bodie/ &c. I Comitt you to god this 26 of May.
Yours Richard Broughton
I think my man humffrey be in Shrop sire
I will write hence to him thither to
come vp with geldinges &c

The court is at Nonsuche and the houshold is nere
Otelandes. expectinge the next remove
to be to Otelandes/.

leaf 1 verso

leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

[To] the Right Worshipfull my verie Lovinge
[fat]her in Lawe Richard Bagot

My daughters white gelding.
Bay Newport
Bay Trotter.
gray Adderley.
gray Mare./ 5
my daughter bagotes gelding.
3 in shropshyre/
Bay Atockes
My Sonne Trewes gelding
gray Barroll/
Sorell spled Mare/

my Sonne broughton
my daughter Broughton
Nant Letyce
Mall broughton.
Iohn Lucas
Iohn Maylord.
William Wirrall./
Abraham/ 9