The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.137: Letter from Walter Bagot to Sir William Kniveton, circa 1612 May 28: autograph manuscript draft

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Walter Bagot to Sir William Kniveton, circa 1612 May 28: autograph manuscript draft, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.137, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Sir I haue vnderstood from my good freind Mr William Milward yt hath pleased
you out of your loue vnto mee and my myne to make a motion of mariadge
betwixt my soonne and the daughterinlawe of Sir Peter ffrechevile
I haue a great desier to see him matched in my lyfe time and allthough
Sir Peter bee a meere straunger vnto mee yet the fame of his worthe
and the motion proceedinge from so good a frend as I esteeme your selfe
to bee haue made mee more desire so ^haue hath incoraged mee to
intreat your furtherance therein to know whether Sir Peter
and his Ladyship bee willinge thereto which yf I maye vnderstand to bee
with their lykinge my soonne shall attend you when you shall bee
pleased to appoynt the time And ^to doe the parte of a father after entervewe. I shall bee willinge
(by godes grace) as yt shall bee his pleasure to dispose their mutuall
affeccions To doe the parte of a father so to performe the office of a
father And what successe so euer shall followe the motion my
poore endeuors shall euer bee imployed to deserue ^your this kyndnes
^and And so Commendinge my assured loue vnto you doe rest

To Sir William Kneveton Baronet

leaf 1 verso

Sir William Knyfton

Walter Bagot


