The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.271: Letter from Richard Broughton to Richard Bagot, Blithfield, 1593 May 15: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Richard Broughton to Richard Bagot, Blithfield, 1593 May 15: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.271, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Mr Auditor. for your accompt{es} touchinge Beaudesert &c doth turne me ou{er} to
acquaint my L Threr. and having his allowance then &c no thank{es}./. he was
ßnt in houshold wth the La: Paget & therefore dealeth the rather to satisfie humors (shee
more warilie) I acquainted mr wakeing what you had disbursed for him & others
of yor owne purse. & that you were (worthilie in respect you disbursed where
you had no neade) to crave his help to haue my L. Thrers allowance he againe
is loth to trouble my L vnlesse you would send vp my L. Thrers lre therby
to put his lp in remembrance of yor warrant for disbursemt{es} and so as yet I stand vpon these termes
the next money you ^are to disburse of yor owne purse for any those affaires
I wishe to be kept. for I see small thank{es} & small care./.
for yor accompt{es} touching the Sco. Q. for lxxli wch heretofore mr auditor did
well like of. disbursed for houshold charg{es} at Chartley. wch Sr Amyce
Powlet wrote you should receaue agayne from him whensoeu{er} you wold
send for, I am dryven to haue conference to see if in Sr Amyce
Powlet{es} accompt{es} it be acknoweledged and vpon conference wth mr
Darrell I hope we shall therein do well howesoeu{er} it be
you shall haue allowance./ I vnd{er}stand, ^that from Mr Cobham yong
Mr Paget hath an assignemt of a newe leas from her matie of
Beaudezert house & ke./ but the certentie you shall there soon{er}
knowe/ A The plague doth encreas the last weke to 63. it is very
much dissed if the certificat augment I will send toward{es} whitsuntide
for horses for my r & Mall. and if it encreas the next terme is not
Like to hold & then we shall haue leasure to see the contry
Yrs in hast wth due comendacons to eu{er}y bodie I end this 15 of
May 1593
Yors R Br

my L. Threr on thursday last in l[◇]stie viewe
sat in thexch chamber. & on saterday went to
the cort to Croydon Where he yet remayneth
my L. of Essex this day dineth wth Sr he: vnton
who enterteyneth the french Ambassador vidam of
chartres sonne to the old ligear Ambassador that
is here. at mount fisher als called fishers
ffolie wthout bishopsgate.

leaf 1 verso

leaf 2 recto

leaf 2 verso

To the R Worshipfull. my very Louinge
father in Lawe Mr Richard Bagot
Esquier At Blithefeld