The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.914: Letter from Richard Turner to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, circa 1610: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Richard Turner to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, circa 1610: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.914, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
Terms of Use:Transcriptions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows you to use our transcriptions without additional permission provided that you cite the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) Project at the Folger Shakespeare Library as the source and that you license anything you create using the transcriptions under the same or equivalent license. EMMO and the Folger waive permission fees for non-commercial publication by registered non-profits, including university presses, regardless of the license they use. For information about using the images that correspond to the transcriptions, see Image Permissions.

leaf 1 recto

Good Sir, in regard of my present wants, I am driuen to renue
my former petition, beseechinge yow to lett mee haue xxs vntill
some course be taken for my pay. And so referringe my ouer=
bold sute, & my selfe to your worships fauourable consideracion
I humbly take my leaue, and rest
your worshipps at commaund
Richard Turner./

leaf 1 verso

To his worshipfull good freind Mr
Walter Bagot at
Blithefeild these


