The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.593: Letter from Isabel Kynnersley (née Walker), Loxley, to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, 1609 July 27: manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Isabel Kynnersley (née Walker), Loxley, to Walter Bagot, Blithfield, 1609 July 27: manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.593, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
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leaf 1 recto

Good Sir hauing dispenced some parte of my mynde vnto you
at your last being at Loxley I had thoughte to haue sayede
those thinges vnto you that now I ame forc’d to wryte
vpon that instant beinge then put in daunger of my Lyffe
for that shee had thoughte to haue thruste me downe the
stayers & to haue broken my necke had not you haue byne
so neere, which I stand daly in daunger of.
These are for gods cause and as euer you loued god or
any good Christian to stand my good frende so muche as to
speake for me vnto my husband at the sisses, and that then you
my husband and Mr Richarde will apoynte some tyme to make
amende of this businesses heere at Loxley with ernest expedition
For If greate speeches may prevayle the truthe shall alwayes
be as it is now, drowned in the oscion of oblivion and the certenty
of thinges neuer come to lyghte, That my husband and I
maye ether live as man & wiffe ought to doe or ells that he wo[uld]
showe any lawfull and Iust cause why I shoulde not, (As
I thanke god he cannot) but that I may liue with him as
man and wyffe oughte to liue together, But to live this vngodly
lyffe contrary to al mankynde besides it is a greate greeffe to me
and a greater daunger to our soules, beinge that we made
our promysses before the most almyghtye god to the contrary
and for to live this vngodly lyffe it is the gretest greeffe to
my sowle. But god he knowes ther is no default in me.
If that my Husband will not, that then I may departe in
quietnesse hauing so resonnable aportion as I had when
I was at Vuxeter which was to my greefe to repeete both
that & this you partly knowing what a good dowrey
hee had with me bothe in Landes and gooudes.

leaf 1 verso

Lett me intreate you not to fayle me at the Sisses because of
my wretched estate, I beseeche you as I haue made my
selfe boulde to trubell you so I praye you that you
willnot lett this my letter be seene nor that any of this
shoulde come from me, but by word of mouth to you
at your being at Loxliy for feere of further blame of
the meisenger, For as I ame kepte as a poore prisnon heere
in my chaumber and cannot goe abraude so lickewisse
is expelled all people out of my presence & that it is almost
vnpossible for me to gett one to wryte for me but that god
of his great goodness dothe rayse frendes for them that put
theyr trust in him, or so much as once let me speeke with
him: but they strayght doe mak great matters of susspitio[n]
vpon it being with out cause atall and as god shall me
saue this is trewe thus in hast I leaue you to the tuition
of almyghty god Loxley this present xxviith day of Iuly 1609

Your loving frende
Isabell Kinardesley

leaf 2 recto

To the worshipful Walter Bagot
Esquire deliver these
at blithfeilde

leaf 2 verso

Isabel Kinnersley