The Folger Shakespeare Library

L.a.37: Letter from Anthony Bagot, London, to Richard Bagot, Blithfield, 1578/1579 February 2: autograph manuscript signed

Catalog record:
Collection:Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire
Preferred Citation:Letter from Anthony Bagot, London, to Richard Bagot, Blithfield, 1578/1579 February 2: autograph manuscript signed, Papers of the Bagot family of Blithfield, Staffordshire. Transcription by Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO). MS L.a.37, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
Terms of Use:Transcriptions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows you to use our transcriptions without additional permission provided that you cite the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) Project at the Folger Shakespeare Library as the source and that you license anything you create using the transcriptions under the same or equivalent license. EMMO and the Folger waive permission fees for non-commercial publication by registered non-profits, including university presses, regardless of the license they use. For information about using the images that correspond to the transcriptions, see Image Permissions.

leaf 1 recto

As duty Constrayneth me I am to let yow vnderstand as
neare as I Can when my Lord meayneth to take his iorny
towardes Cambridge: the which at this present he is determyned
to take the fourthe of this monethe. The Cause of his
tarryinge so longe at the Courte was to see the comminge
of one Cassamyere a ffreanche Imbassator, whome
(the Queenes grace) dothe greatly esteeme,/ ffor this
first of ffebruary there was suche a shewe of
noble men & gentlemen in the Tylt yarde at whitte
Hall, as the Lyke (by euery mans report) hathe
not been seene this fforty yeares. ffurther to
troble yow herein I thinke it is needlesse for the
bearer hearof mr Hocleton can Certyfye you./
And thus in hast I Committ yow to god whoe euer defend
yow & all yours./ ffrom London the second of
ffeburary 1578.

Your humble & obedyent sonne
Anthony Bagott

[The] assyses begyn at Wooluor Hampton
the xith of marche.

leaf 1 verso

To the right Worshippfull
& his singuler good father
mr Bagott esquyer at Blythfield
giue these

Anthony Bagot
to his Father Richard
Bagot 1578


